EAS Systems OdexProTM                        
Сертификат соответствия Российской Федерации
                         EAS products Systems for Shops of all sizes.

Company ALPRO

  ALPRO Company ALPRO is founded in 1993 for rendering a full spectrum of the services connected with equipment of objects of various purpose by means of the security-fire signal system, the control and management of access, video observation, automation and technical monitoring, and also development and manufacture of the corresponding equipment. With participation ALPRO in the St.-Petersburg State Space University for the first time in the country there has been begun training on a letting out speciality " Means of the security signal system ". Besides it, at different stages ALPRO assisted in the organization of educational process of profile specialities in following educational institutions:
   * The center of preparation of the personnel of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation
   * Courses of improvement of qualification of technical experts Protection at the Voronezh institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
   * Military university of communication
ALPRO is a member of Commercial and industrial Chamber of S.Peterburga, consists in the international societies " Friends to Russian museum "," Friends to the State Hermitage " and club " Friends to a museum-monument " the Narva triumphal arch ". ALPRO Renders the sponsor's support the "Big bear" and "Opora".

 The address: 194100, St.-Petersburg, Big Sampsonievsky Prospect., 70, lit. "B"

Multichannel phone:
Hot line of service of technical support: (812) 702-17-52

The general electronic address of the company: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it


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У группы компаний «ДИАЛ» изменился номер телефона. Новый номер телефона: +7 812 7777 814  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку противокражных ворот, предназначеных для чтения RFID меток и оптимизированных для применения в составе системы автоматизации библиотеки. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/odexpro-fashion-rfid.html  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку внешнего металлодетектора OdexPro ТМ. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/vneshniy-detektor-magnitov-i-folgi-odexpro-tm.html  Details...

Our production
Specifications antennas
Внешний детектор магнитов
OdexPro™ Fashion RFID
OdexPro Fashion
OdexPro Fashion Long
OdexPro Fashion XL
OdexPro Fashion Long XL
OdexPro Fashion Solo
OdexPro Shielded
OdexPro Classic
OdexPro Classic Shielded
OdexPro Plexi
Posters for EAS systems
System of counting people
System of counting people
Odexpro Net
Odexpro Standard
Odexpro Light
Account materials
EAS- tester TLT-75
The full list of partners
Dipol St.Petersburg
ALPRO St. Petersburg
Business Coalition
Automation retail

Orenburgskaya street, house 29 St. Petersburg, Russia. tel. +7 (812) 7777-814
tel. +7 (812)542-57-21
Telsec ESS Unisen Electronic Article Surveillance компания alproГруппа компаний Диполь Рейтинг@Mail.ru Rambler's Top100
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