EAS Systems OdexProTM                        
Сертификат соответствия Российской Федерации
                         EAS products Systems for Shops of all sizes.

Software complex of system of calculation of visitors OdexPro Standart

Software complex of system of calculation of visitors OdexPro Standart


Software OdexPro Std works under control of Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP.

System requirements

For installation and functioning of program complex OdexPro to a computer on which the system will be established, are made following demands:

  Presence CDROM;

  Presence COM of port (USB-port);

  From 64 Mb of operative memory;

  From 100 Mb of free space on a hard disk;

  The processor not less Pentium II 400 MHz.


Installation of software OdexPro

Software OdexPro represents a set of programs which allow: to adjust the program, to collect data about visitors, to create reports on these data, to store data, to administer a DB

For installation of system it is necessary to execute following actions.

  To install program OdexPro

  To start the program of creation of a DB.

Installation of program OdexPro

Before installation of the program close all the started appendices. For installation of the program it is necessary to insert a disk with an install package into CD ROM and to start a file setup.exe

After start of the install program on the screen there will be a dialogue window (fig. 1). For the beginning installations press "Next" to leave the setup press "Cancel".

 Setap OdexPro

fig. 1

Here there is no sense thoroughly to describe process. Any, familiar with a computer not the first day, will consult without problems.



Program OdexProWizard

The given program is used for creation of a DB and creation of a source of data ODBC.
For start of the program choose Start-up-> Programs-> OdexProStdimes-> OdexProStd_Wizard.
On the screen there will be a window (fig. 2).

 Creation of a database

fig. 2


By means of the button «…» specify a way where the DB will be stored. By default, it C:Program FilesOdexPro.

Choose type of a database: local or network. For this purpose put a tag opposite to the necessary item. For program OdexPro the local version is necessary.

For an output from the program press «cancel».

For transition to a following step press «Next». On the screen there will be a window (fig. 3).

At the given stage it is necessary to enter data about shop.

Into a field «Name shop» enter the name of shop.

In a floor «Operating mode» specify an operating time of shop. In a floor «from» time of the beginning of work of shop, in a floor «to» time of the termination of work of shop. In that case if the shop works round the clock in a floor «from» specify 00:00, in a floor «to» specify 00:00.

 Creation of a database

fig. 3

In a floor «Quantity of inputs» specify quantity of passes in shop in which counters are established.

Attention! Write down the number specified in a floor «Identifier of shop», it is the password to the Administrator of a DB.

For an output from the program press «cancel».

For transition to the previous step press «Back»

For a following step press «Next». On the screen there will be a window (fig. 4).

At this stage it is necessary to enter data about passes.

In a floor «Name input» specify the name of pass.

In the dropping out list «Number port» choose number COM of port to which the given pass is connected.

Establish a tag «register entering visitors» if on this pass data about entering visitors are necessary.

Establish a tag «register leaving visitors» if on this pass data about leaving visitors are necessary.

In the event that pass is only an input or only an output it is better to establish one tag corresponding entering or leaving visitors.

If a tag «include port» it is established, on the given pass registration of visitors if the tag is not established registration of visitors on this pass will not be made will be made, but pass will exist in system. Thus, by means of this tag it is possible to disconnect pass for a while (for example, one pass at shop is closed because there there is a repair) and when it again is required - to include.

 Creation of a database

fig. 4

In a floor «Number of a computer in a network» specify number of a computer in a network. It is a field it is used, if the account of visitors is conducted on the several computers incorporated in one network and using one DB. In other cases it is a field it should be equal 1.

If passes a little by means of the button «>>» pass to following pass and fill for it the same fields.

For an output from the program press «cancel».

For transition to the previous step press «Back»

For a following step press «Next». On the screen there will be a window (fig. 5).

At this stage adjustments of the program are carried out.

 Creation of a database

fig. 5

If a tag « To keep the minutes of works » it is established, in a database time of each start and a stop of the program will enter the name.

In the dropping out list « Time of updating of a DB » choose time through which data will enter the name from the program in a DB.

For an output from the program press «cancel».

For transition to the previous step press «Back»

For creation of a DB press «end».

After the DB is created to make changes to it it is possible only through the Administrator of a DB (the password the identifier of shop) see (fig. 3).

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Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку внешнего металлодетектора OdexPro ТМ. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/vneshniy-detektor-magnitov-i-folgi-odexpro-tm.html  Details...

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