EAS Systems OdexProTM                        
Сертификат соответствия Российской Федерации
                         EAS products Systems for Shops of all sizes.

Seminar on training engineers

Dear Partners!

      In connection with carrying out of an exhibition in a to Moscow (on February, 5 - 8th, 2008), date of carrying out of a seminar on training engineers is transferred on 20 - 22 February 2008. Date of carrying out of training of managers has remained without change – on February, 14 - 15th, 2008 the Address on which will be trained: St.-Petersburg, street Orenburgskaya the house 29, lit. B.
       The beginning of employment from 11-00.
        I ask you to pay attention, that during training your experts (engineers) can receive the additional information on installation and adjustment of our novelties - EAS products Systems OdexPro SOLO and OdexPro SOLO Classik (monoaerial), and also to have a curriculum on installation and adjustment of systems of calculation of visitors OdexPro!!!
        Training free-of-charge.!!!
        We can assist in booking hotel.
        It is necessary for become interested companies to send in the near future to the contact person, the first and last name experts (engineers) with the exact indication of a post (for the subsequent granting the certificate on passage of training).
У группы компаний «ДИАЛ» изменился номер телефона. Новый номер телефона: +7 812 7777 814  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку противокражных ворот, предназначеных для чтения RFID меток и оптимизированных для применения в составе системы автоматизации библиотеки. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/odexpro-fashion-rfid.html  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку внешнего металлодетектора OdexPro ТМ. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/vneshniy-detektor-magnitov-i-folgi-odexpro-tm.html  Details...

Our production
Specifications antennas
Внешний детектор магнитов
OdexPro™ Fashion RFID
OdexPro Fashion
OdexPro Fashion Long
OdexPro Fashion XL
OdexPro Fashion Long XL
OdexPro Fashion Solo
OdexPro Shielded
OdexPro Classic
OdexPro Classic Shielded
OdexPro Plexi
Posters for EAS systems
System of counting people
System of counting people
Odexpro Net
Odexpro Standard
Odexpro Light
Account materials
EAS- tester TLT-75
The full list of partners
Dipol St.Petersburg
ALPRO St. Petersburg
Business Coalition
Automation retail

Orenburgskaya street, house 29 St. Petersburg, Russia. tel. +7 (812) 7777-814
tel. +7 (812)542-57-21
Telsec ESS Unisen Electronic Article Surveillance компания alproГруппа компаний Диполь Рейтинг@Mail.ru Rambler's Top100
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