EAS Systems OdexProTM                        
Сертификат соответствия Российской Федерации
                         EAS products Systems for Shops of all sizes.

The system of counting people
Modern systems of counting people OdexPro

Systems of counting people OdexPro is a powerful marketing equipment necessary wherever income depends on the attendance of the shops

ETC "DiAl" introduced three models systems of counting of people OdexPro.

OdexPro Net - The system allows to build OdexPro Net as local or global networks from a single database

OdexPro Standard - The systems of counting people OdexPro Standard installed at the entrance shop on the sidewalls, brackets to the doors or vertical racks.

OdexPro Light - Horizontal systems of counting people with a screen. Allows to count visitors in the gangway to 6 meters.

Information provided by visitors counting systems OdexPro helps to attract more visitors, optimize advertising costs, make business more efficient.


By counting systems visitors OdexPro implicated several requirements for working with information:

Ø  Continuity of work

Ø  Correctness work

Ø  Compatibility

Ø  Providing transportation information

Ø  Securing information

Ø  Scalability

Ø  Ensuring consolidating information

Ø  Learning


Information provided by the system allows:

Ø  Evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives and advertising companies.

Ø  Determine the optimum time (week / day / hour) to conduct marketing activities, promotions, "happy hours", etc.

Ø  Develop recommendations for the formation of the range of each commodity group, based on time of day.

Ø  The estimated number of visitors in the new outlets.

Ø  Rate customer loyalty.

Ø  To improve efficiency in the use of commercial spaces

Ø  Adjust the work of personnel in accordance with the density of the flow of visitors and thus:

Ø  improve the quality of care,

Ø  reduce the cost of salaries.

Ø  Analyze the effectiveness of the shops (the dynamics of change in share real buyers among the visitors on each outlet)

Ø  Analyze attendance of each shop in different periods of the day, week, month, year to determine the time intensify activities to attract buyers.

Ø  Adjust the flow of visitors with a view to a more even distribution of the area shopping center.

Ø  Optimize schedules security services, transport and other service structures.

Equipment systems of counting people is going OdexPro from high-quality components in compliance with all the necessary rules and tehprotsessov required when dealing with electronic equipment of this kind, which guarantees trouble counting system for a long time. Finish equipment passes mandatory checks on the quality of assembly.

In systems counting people OdexPro laid great possibility of expanding the system by connecting additional sensors, controllers and converters interfaces. For customers, this means that by installing in their counting system, at any moment it could expand its capacity by connecting additional devices.

In systems counting people OdexPro provides a unique opportunity for data transmission protocol TCP / IP, which significantly enhances the connectivity, and also reduces operating costs and, of course, exclude the human factor.

           OdexPro network offers its customers systems integration opportunities count, established in regional stores into a single information system with automatic transmission statistics in the main office.

To meet the challenges of counting visitors in the most standard, model kits ready situations developed equipment that contain everything necessary for the implementation of counting visitors.

У группы компаний «ДИАЛ» изменился номер телефона. Новый номер телефона: +7 812 7777 814  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку противокражных ворот, предназначеных для чтения RFID меток и оптимизированных для применения в составе системы автоматизации библиотеки. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/odexpro-fashion-rfid.html  Details...

Компания «Диал» начала производство и поставку внешнего металлодетектора OdexPro ТМ. Подробнее на странице: http://www.odexpro.ru/ru/vneshniy-detektor-magnitov-i-folgi-odexpro-tm.html  Details...

Our production
Specifications antennas
Внешний детектор магнитов
OdexPro™ Fashion RFID
OdexPro Fashion
OdexPro Fashion Long
OdexPro Fashion XL
OdexPro Fashion Long XL
OdexPro Fashion Solo
OdexPro Shielded
OdexPro Classic
OdexPro Classic Shielded
OdexPro Plexi
Posters for EAS systems
System of counting people
System of counting people
Odexpro Net
Odexpro Standard
Odexpro Light
Account materials
EAS- tester TLT-75
The full list of partners
Dipol St.Petersburg
ALPRO St. Petersburg
Business Coalition
Automation retail

Orenburgskaya street, house 29 St. Petersburg, Russia. tel. +7 (812) 7777-814
tel. +7 (812)542-57-21
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